LR Management software is a web based with driver android app based software. It’s helps for the logistics operation.
This software has been used to process logistics.
For an example, if a company gives an order to logistics company , then it has to use this software for processing.
With the help of this software LR number will generate and customer of logistics can easy track the status of delivery.
Here three users are work
Admin or Sub Admin – This is web based user. This user will operate entire web based software .
Driver – This is android based user .Driver takes DRS for the route from admin /staff and once he/she delivered then he/she click the image and upload on the mobile app so that it will directly reflect on system database .
Customer – This is website based user as well , this website will be mobile responsive so that he/she can easily operate on that . He/she enters the LR number can get status of the delivery .